Monday, April 4, 2011

NaPoWriMo Sonnet #4

Dear Congress,

I found a mortgage
in a box of Nutty Nuggets I found
a mortgage inside a bottle of quaffable
aloe w/ anime pulp &
inside a friend's cigarette pack
twenty pieces of twenty mortgages & govt says
tobbacco, tar, & 'additives' are bad? // Sheeeeeeeet //
A homeless was begging, "Brother,
can you spare a mortgage?" & a girlie mag
featured mortgage-on-mortgage action &
at my very first alien abduction
freakin' Interplanet Janet hands me a mortgage
after the digital exam (didn't know we had investors
like that!) but I digress //

Yrs, Constituent

1 comment:


Thanks, Sandra! Is there a place where you dost bloggeth? ----BA