Sunday, April 10, 2011

NaPoWriMo Sonnet #10

Dear Congress,

Please don't cancel The Free Noodle Exchange Program
I'd like to trade my egg (noodle) for
a broad (noodle) or maybe some AA batteries -- Or,
I'd like to trade sitting in the tub w/
egg noodles for sitting in the tub w/
broad noodles (or AA batteries) -- do you know Ornette
do you think Ornette Coleman noodled around
in some of his Atlantic shit or what? //
I'd like to exchange the fact that you don't know Ornette
& his tenor & alto & trumpet & violin for
a glass noodle soup w/ hi cholesterol & surly service -- Hey,
how about some political al dente w/
Noodles on both sides of the aisle clapping,
clapping at long last some serious Bipartisan Buttock? //

Yrs, Constituent

1 comment:


back atcha and thanky thanky -----------ba