Monday, April 11, 2011

NaPoWriMo Sonnet #11

Dear Congress,

America is no longer Top Titty at Wooing
"Woo!" we go "Woo!" &
beer is brought, bad beer
whereas other cultures offer spouses
(she-Boers & he-Boers, for ex.) upon "Woo!" of Citizen &
foam-drink, foam-enlargement, foam-epiphany, as well //
I first addressed this letter "Dear Fergus"
"Woo!" it went "Woo!" but
there wasn't much else to say
I don't really know anybody named Fergus after all
then someone brought me beer, bad beer &
"the cloud of inferiority" lowered
subtract "Woo!" from Wooing & it's a
dark, dank, solitary day in our Bicameral Confinement //

Yrs, Constituent

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