Tuesday, April 12, 2011

NaPoWriMo Sonnet #12

Dear Congress,

The time has come to hold Gluten Free Hearings
in attendance: Glutens and Non Glutens alike
(members from both tribes) &
on the agenda -- radicalized Gluten plus
militant Gluten in the thumb-crook of Michigan
if unchecked could lead to British spellings of diarrhoea //
Don't fear Gonorrhea -- it's just diarrhoea that's been flushed
you know, it's been gone for a while
you may experience a clapping sensation
& if so, check out The Clapper on late night infomercial
you can "Clap On" "Clap Off" the Clap (these days)
should applause (i.e., The Clap) persist
ain't nothing wrong w/ cruising the bad 'hood
to score a dimebag of medicinal Gluten, eh? //

Yrs, Constituent

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