Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dear Congress,

A representative is not one who "re-presents" --- that is, gets out the ol' PowerPoint slides, and lectures, all over again. No, No, No. It is not someone who re-gifts, either. Although it feels that way, what you're doing, when I think of my money. I offer annual gifts to you --- Levies --- though you must not like them very much, for in the heat of the night, you pass my Levies along to the Banks, outer, inner, and in between. But it's not all take and re-gift, don't get me right. You return the kindness of your fellow countrymen, kind of, in the form of Corporate Domination, Number One, and Number Two, Debt. It's getting so bad, that Virginia has become The Old Domination. And by that --- No, No, No --- I do not mean granny, in dungarees, wielding a whip. There should be a cabinet-level Secretary of Extramarital Affairs and Sundry Violations, yes? I'd settle for a Secretary of Violations, Vileness, Villainy, and Vibrato -- that is, someone to oversee you, Dear Congress, in all your finery. Jello Slappings may ensue; so beware. You may be slapped with Jello or slopped with Scripture. 'You Bet Your Debt': Ain't that the American way?


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